And then Corona came! At the beginning, you're still telling yourself why Corona won't hit your company:
"We're digital, and that's exactly what we need people to be doing right now, to support the team development continue to strengthen even in the home office, to continue to build trust and maintain motivation. To perhaps rediscover potential in a whole new way and even if our workplace distances us, to grow closer together as a team after all."
But things usually turn out differently than you think.
No matter who we got into conversation with, we quickly managed to get people excited about soft.fact and then the sobering news:
"Budgets for team development have all been cut for the time being" or,
"Currently we can't hire any more, we have to go on short-time!"
Now we could bury our heads in the sand:
Start-up, no new customers, uncertainty.
But positivity never hurt:
Start-up, many new potential customers, persevere!
So how did we define Covid-19 for us?
C - opportunity
O - open
V - trust
I - innovation
D - digital
1 - unique
9 - ninth team member
This time has given us all the chance to reorient ourselves, to be open to new things. We realized that trust has become even more important, especially in the home office. We quickly embraced innovation and our digital tool itself to keep everyone on board, but also to add a unique ninth team member to ourselves. Our own team has been working remotely since the beginning. But the lockdown earlier this year, also shook up our cohesion once again. Our own Team Analysis has helped us to understand more clearly how each of us tickets and how we may interact with him or her to maintain trust and communicate clearly and thoughtfully. The analysis also showed us that we need reinforcement in the team, a person who complements us and thus also strengthens us.
We used the time to talk to employees, HR managers, founders and managing directors. We recognized and understood their concerns and acted accordingly.
We make our products accessible to all
"The cost is probably not going to be released to me in the current time."
We shouldn't stop everything that has to do with employee development, but we should think carefully about which investment is the right one. Many companies invest in coaches. They are often not cheap and only work in a real room together with all members. We, on the other hand, have team development software that is ideal for use in remote work. The most important investment you can currently make is in your employees. Many are currently on short-time working and/or working from home. How can we still manage to get to know each other better as a team and grow together? Many things are at a standstill, but many things are also moving very quickly at the moment. We should also pause for a moment, come together as a team and then look forward with full energy. One step back often means three steps forward!
Let's say your team consists of 10 people.
Are they worth 40€ per month, per person to you,
to show them how valuable they are for you?
to keep up the motivation, even in difficult times?
to strengthen the trust even more right now?
to get you ready for the future together?
to communicate that it is important to you that everyone can develop for themselves and in the team?
to send a signal that you are ready to use this time as an opportunity for you as a team?
Your team's potential is your capital and that's what we all need right now more than ever!
soft.fact delivers the added value your team needs
"We are unsure if soft.fact is the right tool for us."
It's like love. We never know if it's the partner for life if we don't try it out and just go for it. One thing is for sure, we can always get something positive out of every experience.
Sure, we are not the right partner for everything, but we can provide valuable added value to every single person in your company in the form of self-reflection and further development. And if we understand that happy people who complement each other in personality, values, role in the team and way of working make an outstanding team, and then also that the collective intelligence of the group is your asset, then we have done everything right and hopefully you will too.
soft.fact makes teamwork outstanding
"We don't even understand what soft.fact actually does!"
What do you need right now to do a good job?
What are your biggest challenges in the company with your employees right now?
Do you have to lay off or are you allowed to hire new candidates?
Is your communication suffering from the current situation?
Do you have to keep the team motivated?
Do you have the feeling that your employees are not working in the home office?
Tell us where your pain lies. Because New Work and good collaboration starts with every single person and we can do something about that together.
On this - "Are you afraid that your employees don't work properly in the home office?" - then I have another question for you: Do you think it's because of your recruiting or because of your employees? Sure, it's never up to ourselves.
soft.fact attaches great importance to data protection
Remember the days when people used to say, "No, that's too newfangled for me, the Internet will never catch on."
And nowadays they say, "Does it all work online? But wait, what happens to my data there?"
How much time do you spend on the Internet each day?
How many online accounts do you have?
And how often have you read through the terms and conditions in detail?
Admit it, you don't need three seconds to sign off on any terms and conditions.
We always look for the fly in the ointment instead of asking ourselves what we really need now?
Aren't the soft and hard skills of our employees the true value of our company? Humanity is the order of the day!
And because you are so close to our hearts:
All soft.fact employees are committed to certain ethical principles based on human rights. Their compliance and actuality are cyclically reviewed and discussed by the internal ethics committee. In addition, soft.fact subscribes to the Code of Ethics of the German Society for Transactional Analysis.
The ethical contract between soft.fact and organizations:
- each individual employee is the owner of his or her own data
- each individual employee has a personal key to their own data
- each individual employee has control over what data may be shared with whom in the company
- soft.fact receives permission to analyze collected employee data for evaluation and, if desired, for individual coaching sessions
- soft.fact obtains permission from participating employees to share data for group workshops
- the organization is committed to the principles of Radikal Candor
soft.fact is the right tool for you
"We already use a similar tool and wouldn't know why we would switch."
Is it perhaps an opportunity for us to talk to each other about soft.fact right now?
We shouldn't always say 'no' to everything just because it's easy for us in this context. It's better to say "no" in the places where you always say "yes" and then can't keep up with the work.
First of all, we should find out why we want to say "no" directly.
Is it because you see a lot of work coming your way with a change?
soft.fact doesn't mean any extra time for you. On the contrary, we save you time and money. Increase employee satisfaction, reduce staff turnover rates, focus on the essentials and the people who complement your team perfectly.
Or is it because we have had bad experiences with personality analyses or similar? Is it because the tools you have used so far have not helped you? Or maybe you just haven't found the right tool that can really improve things. We take a multidimensional approach to analysis like no other and look at your personality, your values, your role and your preferred way of working. Whereas most people only use a single selective dimension such as values or personality, which is supposed to provide an all-encompassing explanation but does not deliver what it promises.
Develop yourselves further together, also digitally. You are your own best mentor when you recognize each other's strengths and weaknesses, in all dimensions.
We are all masters in always seeing the negative and putting it in the foreground. But if we take the positive out of the small and big events, you have already won for today! And both cost the same amount of time. However, one robs you of energy and the other gives you energy. You decide for yourself!
soft.fact offers a soft.ware that helps you and your team to get more out of each and every individual by combining the latest technology and long-tested scientific methods, making teamwork a dreamwork. Soft facts are in the foreground and therefore the human being.